Skyline view of Wellington Rd. in downtown London, Ontario Canada
  • A field of wildflowers surrounded by trees found in Kilally Meadows

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    Outdoor Hiking Trails in London, Ontario – Kilally Meadows

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    • Author Tourism London
    • Date October 11, 2023
    • Categories
      Parks & Nature, Things To Do
  • This network of pathways is located in the northeast end of the city that runs along side the Thames River as well as Meander Creek.

    Kilally Meadows - @friendsofkilallymeadowsesa Instagram

    Popular for birding, this trail has numerous neighbourhood access points to the 7.7 km loop! Fishing is permitted with a provincial fishing licence at this Environmentally Significant Area (ESA).

    This ESA boasts a large variety of vegetation which makes a great opportunity to observe your surroundings, but also makes a great backdrop for family photos.

    Since the paths are also part of the Thames Valley Parkway, you could go for an excessive run or bike ride.  This two-way use asphalt surface trail runs through scenic park lands abutting the Thames River and is the City of London's primary multi-use pathway system. Discover our Bike Friendly City HERE.



    The naturescape comprises a number of habitats, including woods, meadow and swamp.  These habitats summon a wide variety of woodland wildflowers, Indian Grass, Big Bluestem, Bee Balm and Butterflyweed.  

    This area hosts many species of butterflies and months that can be viewed in the meadows.  One of the common summer butterflies that can be seen is the Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes).  The blackness of its body and wings with two rows of yellow spots should make it easy for you to find during your walk! If you do spot one, female's yellow spots are have more distinctive blue band between the pale bands of yellow (Canadian Wildlife Federation).  Do you think you will be able to tell the difference? 



    While walking around the meadow try to see if you can find butterfly eggs attached to a plant from the carrot family (fennel, dill, Queen Anne's lace, or parsley).  The leaves and flowers from these plants help the butterfly grow within the first three stages of their life cycle.  The egg transforms into a larva then caterpillar and eventually metamorphosis from the caterpillar to a beautiful little butterfly.  The black swallowtail "will fly until late June, with the next and final brood appearing in July and flying throughout August," (Canadian Wildlife Federation).


    View a digital copy of the trail map here.

    BINGO! Check out ReForest London's BINGO sheet that can be used for any of London's walks or hikes. Print it at home and use it in your neighbourhood (or wherever it's safe to wander outside)! DOWNLOAD HERE.


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