Skyline view of Wellington Rd. in downtown London, Ontario Canada
  • A Black-capped Chickadee bird resting at the stump of a tree in the Coves, London, Ontario

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    Outdoor Hiking Trails in London, Ontario – The Coves

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    • Author Tourism London
    • Date October 6, 2023
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      Parks & Nature, Things To Do
  • For a unique trail experience, choose The Coves! Located near the core of the city, west of Wharncliffe Road between the Thames River & Baseline Road, this trail is approximately 5km.

    There have been more than 100 animal species recorded within this Environmentally Significant Area (ESA). Combine hiking and an educational experience for the ultimate family outing.

    The Coves features many species of dragonflies, damselflies, as well as Green Frogs & Bullfrogs. With fifty-nine bird species in The Coves, from the Black-capped Chickadee & Northern Cardinal, this gives the perfect excuse for the outdoor enthusiasts or the birdwatcher to visit a hidden gem in London!

    The Coves • London, Ontario
    The Coves • London, Ontario - @john_herd Instagram 


    Did you know that "the Cove ponds were described by the early explorers to this area in 1796. They are documented in the journals of Major Littlehale, who accompanied John Graves Simcoe. They were visited prior to the discovery of the Forks of the Thames River where the north and south branches meet and the City of London was first settled. Archeological investigations have not been completed for the Ponds region, however, they are considered high potential due to their proximity to the Thames and the elevation vantage point that is provided by the banks," (The Coves).


    While visiting the Coves, try and find some of the iconic tree species including a Sycamore & Hackberry near the water’s edge, and also a Chinquapin Oak & Hemlock on steeper, drier ground.  Speak with your children about how important trees and plants are to our environment!  By using the energy from the sunlight to make glucose from carbon dioxide and water, trees are able to release oxygen back into the atmosphere. 


    View a  digital copy of the trail map here.

    BINGO! Check out ReForest London's BINGO sheet that can be used for any of London's walks or hikes. Print it at home and use it in your neighbourhood (or wherever it's safe to wander outside)!  DOWNLOAD HERE.


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